that sets you apart!

10 seconds is how long you have to capture your audience’s attention with your logo so they can memorize it.

One size does not fit all. Anastasiou Design will take the time to research your business’s challenges and opportunities and pinpoint your unique identity. It is our passion to transform your vision into a true work of art. We integrate print media, web design and social media, to help your business meet its specific goals.
Above all, Anastasiou Design is results-oriented, client-focused and a full-service provider.

Brand visibility is 3.5 times higher for consistently presented brands than those without a consistent brand presentation.
MJ Koester INC Fire Protection Specialist logo. A red shield with a flame cut out on the time the world specialist on the bottom and 5 stars with the name of the business in the middle


We can meet you in person or online 
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